The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods industry, also known as the FMCG industry, is one that takes pride in being fast-paced. With the exponential rise in digital marketing, it makes us wonder about the current landscape of marketing. So how exactly is marketing in the FMCG industry, and what is the appeal of digital marketing?
More than 50 Business students turned up for the recent “Marketing in 2019: Past vs Present”, organized by Business Career Services Office and Business Career Development Committee (BizCare), to have their questions and doubts answered by successful people in the FMCG Marketing industry. The panel consisted of Glen Tan (Global Brand Manager at Unilever), Zaneta Tan (Global Brand Manager at Unilever), Rachelle Marcaida (Senior Integrated Marketing Communication Manager at Coca-Cola) and our panel moderator Samantha Lee, former Vice-President of NUS Marketing Interactive (MINT).

The panelists gave their take on the evolution of marketing, the rising trends in the market and ways to leverage their differences to stand out in such a competitive market. They also provided valuable insights into the industry, before ending with their personal academic journey, hard truths about marketing as a career and advice for students. The event wrapped successfully with a career fair consisting of various FMCG companies for students to network and have their questions answered.
Lai Shu Wei, the BizCare event in-charge of this panel discussion, hosted and saw through the event from the planning to the end.
“The panel discussion was highly insightful and informative for us! We are really fortunate to have these experienced marketers coming down to enlighten us on the panel topics. The panel discussion went on smoothly, owing to Samantha’s moderating capability. I am glad that both the panelists and the students enjoyed and learned something out of the event.”

It was indeed an insightful and value-adding panel discussion, equipping people with a deeper understanding and knowledge of the industry, as well as the tough truth of marketing. With this, BizCare concludes yet another successful panel discussion for the student body.